Need professional health care?
Our best health caregivers are available to help you
Our Caregivers can also assist with personal care needs, provide medications and exercise reminder
We really care about you
It’s not about caring for people alone, it is about getting the right people for the job
Health Care Services
Alzheimer’s Nurturing
The number of men and women experiencing mild to extensive degrees of Alzheimer’s is increasing and is expected to reach epidemic proportions. As Alzheimer’s progresses it becomes increasing important to keep the patient in familiar surroundings.
Foot Care
Usually misunderstood in importance, we realize the complications associated with improper foot care. Whether a result of diabetes, vascular disease or neglect, the foot requires careful attention for continued comfort, mobility and infection control. Services included are nail cutting, corn and callus control, infection cleansing, and appliance or pad application.
Medication Management
Administering drugs by a qualified nurse is essential in maintaining the health of a patient on medication. From diabetes and high blood pressure to disease management and pain management, drugs require control, measurement and administration in an exacting environment.
Palliative Care
One of the most sensitive areas in health management is caring for a friend or loved one whose prognosis is grim. A comfortable family home allows the loved one to spend their precious time in surroundings full of love and memories. We can help with the arrangements to make this possible.
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